=====Free Food Networks===== Scroll down to find the list of free-food-networks A free-food-network (FFN) always involves a group of people trying to organize some way of sharing and giving away free food. Sometimes cooked leftovers are given away so that they are not wasted. Sometimes the gift is fresh harvest that is not profitable to sell. This act of giving away food to prevent it from being wasted is known as "foodsharing". The act of reaping what is not going to be used is called gleaning. Sometimes networks give hot meals prepared with love for humanity and pure generosity by people who understand that humanity is a single organism and the well-being of everyone depends on the well-being of each one of us. The most common are organizations without headquarters. In order to avoid wasting food, the goal is to coordinate that it goes directly to someone who will take advantage of it immediately. There are many active virtual spaces (apps). There are also real spaces that are organized specifically to provide free food. Some networks focus on holding sporadic events. **Community refrigerators**\\ One of the newest and fastest growing FFNs are community refrigerators. There is possibly one near you. Sometimes called "solidarity refrigerators", they consist of a shared fridge in a place of easy access for citizens, where people can put food in good condition so that others can take it. It's that simple. In some cases they ask to register in order to contribute cooked food. **For everyone, not just for people in need.**\\ There are many charitable, private, religious or public administration organizations that work to feed people who do not have resources. To hide the horrors of this system, we try to make sure that no one dies of hunger in front of us. So there are food banks and soup kitchens. Since they are practically in every municipality, it would be impossible to list them all here. Those who need them because they are making the brave leap of turning their backs on the tyranny of the market and refusing to charge for work, only have to ask their municipality where they are. The objective of the movement to share the world is not only to help those who do not have resources, but to help us all to free ourselves from the monetary dictatorship and thus avoid the climate crisis and achieve sustainable universal prosperity. Therefore, here we will try to mention mainly those that are open to anyone to take advantage of. **Freeganism**\\ It is the philosophy of trying to only eat things that have not been bought. To do this, you learn to recover what supermarkets throw away that is still in good condition. On the [[https://freegan.info/|freeganism page]] there is a lot of information on how to do that and good sites for it. You can also find ideas and free food networks in the [[http://wiki.gifteconomy.org/Main_Page|gift economy wiki]] and the [[http://www.nonmarchand.org/|nonmarchand]], [[https://moneyless.org/|moneyless]] and [[https://sindinero.org/|sindinero]] pages. If you have a social network of family and friends, you can get fed by asking them for help explaining that you do not want to contribute to the suicide of society by participating in the tyranny of the market and the profit motive. It is an excellent opportunity to educate them and also practice humility and interconnection. When we are nice and helpful, people are happy to feed us. Soon food production will be largely automated, this will make it much easier to provide food for free. A good site to learn more about how to automate a garden is [[http://www.gardenbot.org/|Gardenbot]]. [[global_ffn|Global]]\\ [[australia_ffn|Australia]]\\ [[austria_ffn|Austria]]\\ [[canada_ffn|Canada]]\\ [[catalonia_ffn|Catalonia]]\\ [[denmark_ffn|Denmark]]\\ [[germany_ffn|Germany]]\\ [[spain_ffn|Spain]]\\ [[usa_ffn|United States of America]]\\ [[luxembourg_ffn|Luxembourg]]\\ [[switzerland_ffn|Switzerland]]\\