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Catalonia gift networks
Lendi 100% Trade Free!
See the global section for its description.
Baix Camp
Bank of Resources of the Banc de Terres It can be 100% Free-of-Trade although unfortunately, it allows trade.
Although it is mainly to share land, you will also find and be able to share tools and agricultural machinery, specifying the borrowing conditions. You will be able to see and contribute photographs, descriptions and know where a specific tool is offered. The Banco de Tierras del Baix Camp only connects users, it does not guarantee or supervise their agreements and relationships, nor is it responsible for the items or land.
Prestem Lendi 100% Trade Free! Ask for entry at 629918425 or at Cooperativa El Brot.
A whatsapp group just to borrow things. It was created by citizens of Reus and members of the food coop El Brot. It is self-managed by its members and founder. The advantage of being a simple mobile messaging group is that its use is very easy and therefore, this type of Free Collaboration Network requires little dynamization (although it also benefits from it).