Orphaned pages
Below is a list of pages on this site which are not linked from anywhere. This list should be empty. Please check to see if your page is on this list, and if it is, create a link to it from another page so people can find it.
# | ID | Title |
1 | 2020_perfect_vision_unity_heralding_year_jubilee | |
2 | answers_criticism | Answers to criticism |
3 | canada_gift_networks | Canada gift networks |
4 | catalonia_gift_networks | Catalonia gift networks |
5 | catalonia_resource_banks | Catalonia gift networks |
6 | catalonia_transport | Catalonia transport |
7 | chile_gift_networks | Chile gift networks |
8 | es:changing_society | Cambiar el comportamiento |
9 | es:existing_community_structures | Aprovechar las estructuras comunitarias existentes |
10 | es:free_collaboration_networks | Redes de colaboración gratuitas |
11 | es:historical_precedent | Precedentes históricos de una economía sin dinero |
12 | es:leveraging_cooperation | Aprovechando la cooperación innata |
13 | es:leveraging_technology | Aprovechar la tecnología |
14 | es:limitations_of_the_market_system | Limitaciones del sistema de mercado |
15 | es:open_access_directives | Propuestas de transición |
16 | es:raising_awareness | Creando conciencia masiva |
17 | es:start | Bienvenido al wiki de la Economía de Acceso Abierto |
18 | es:updating_education | Reinventando la educación |
19 | france_gift_networks | France gift networks |
20 | global_gift_networks | Global gift networks |
21 | global_resource_banks | Global resource banks |
22 | global_transport_networks | Global transport networks |
23 | incredible_edible_eugene | |
24 | reus | Barcelona |
25 | ru:start | Добро пожаловать на вики-страницу Экономики Открытого Доступа |
26 | satisfy_needs | Satisfying human needs |
27 | spain_resource_banks | Spain resource banks |
28 | transition_enterprises | Transition enterprises |
29 | uk_gift_networks | UK gift networks |
30 | usa_resource_banks | USA resource banks |
31 | wiki:welcome | Welcome to your new DokuWiki |
Nonexistent pages
Below is a list of links pointing to pages that don't exist. This list should be empty. If you see a page linked, please either create the corresponding page, or correct the link from the referring page.
# | ID | Links |
1 | es:explicit_vs_implicit_trade | 4 : Show backlinks |
2 | es:resource_based_economy | 1 : Show backlinks |
3 | es:social_incentives | 1 : Show backlinks |
orphaned_pages.txt · Last modified: 2021/08/04 06:11 by