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Orphaned pages

Below is a list of pages on this site which are not linked from anywhere. This list should be empty. Please check to see if your page is on this list, and if it is, create a link to it from another page so people can find it.

# ID Title
2answers_criticismAnswers to criticism
3canada_gift_networksCanada gift networks
4catalonia_gift_networksCatalonia gift networks
5catalonia_resource_banksCatalonia gift networks
6catalonia_transportCatalonia transport
7chile_gift_networksChile gift networks
8es:changing_societyCambiar el comportamiento
9es:existing_community_structuresAprovechar las estructuras comunitarias existentes
10es:free_collaboration_networksRedes de colaboración gratuitas
11es:historical_precedentPrecedentes históricos de una economía sin dinero
12es:leveraging_cooperationAprovechando la cooperación innata
13es:leveraging_technologyAprovechar la tecnología
14es:limitations_of_the_market_systemLimitaciones del sistema de mercado
15es:open_access_directivesPropuestas de transición
16es:raising_awarenessCreando conciencia masiva
17es:startBienvenido al wiki de la Economía de Acceso Abierto
18es:updating_educationReinventando la educación
19france_gift_networksFrance gift networks
20global_gift_networksGlobal gift networks
21global_resource_banksGlobal resource banks
22global_transport_networksGlobal transport networks
25ru:startДобро пожаловать на вики-страницу Экономики Открытого Доступа
26satisfy_needsSatisfying human needs
27spain_resource_banksSpain resource banks
28transition_enterprisesTransition enterprises
29uk_gift_networksUK gift networks
30usa_resource_banksUSA resource banks
31wiki:welcomeWelcome to your new DokuWiki

Nonexistent pages

Below is a list of links pointing to pages that don't exist. This list should be empty. If you see a page linked, please either create the corresponding page, or correct the link from the referring page.

# ID Links
1es:explicit_vs_implicit_trade4 : Show backlinks
2es:resource_based_economy1 : Show backlinks
3es:social_incentives1 : Show backlinks

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orphaned_pages.txt · Last modified: 2021/08/04 06:11 by